The Estrogen Puzzle: Revisiting the Women’s Health Initiative
Few studies have inspired more controversy than the Women’s Health Initiative’s principal research findings, which will be 10 years old as of July 2012.
Dr. Nanette Santoro has been an active clinician and researcher in Reproductive Endocrinology since 1986.
Few studies have inspired more controversy than the Women’s Health Initiative’s principal research findings, which will be 10 years old as of July 2012.
Menopause left me with a short-term memory deficit that has since improved, but my memory has not gone back to what it once was.
By Dr. Nanette Santoro – Most menopausal women will experience slight memory loss, symptoms that are completely normal and seen in both men and women in association with aging.
After menopause, in many women, the loss of estrogen leads to a slight excess of resorption over formation, but both processes are still ongoing. The net effect, over time, is bone loss and eventually osteopenia or osteoporosis.