Share Your Story & Photos

The best part of the CU OB-GYN’s story is you, our patient. We invite you to share your experience with us by completing the secure form below.

Share your photos

We love to see the beautiful faces of the families that started at University of Colorado Obstetrics and Gynecology. Please complete the following form to submit your photo to our Baby Photo Album.

Share your own story

If you would like to post your story to our website to share with other patients, please check the “Share Your Story” checkbox and complete the form below. After we get your final approval, we will post your story to our Patient Success Stories page.

Let us share your story

If you would like us to tell your story, our publicist will interview you. You will be able to review and approve the story prior to any public use or posting to our Patient Success Stories page. Check the “Let Us Share Your Story” checkbox and complete the form below. A representative from our public relations agency, Vanguard Communications, will contact you directly.

Please complete the form below:

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