Advises on managing menopause effects (symptoms) such as cognitive decline, anxiety & sleep loss
In a comprehensive Prevention article, our menopause expert Dr. Nanette Santoro gave women advice on managing menopause effects. She and Dr. Jackie Thielen of the Mayo Clinic shared their insights on several issues affecting women in menopause and perimenopause.
On herbal supplements for hot flashes, Dr. Santoro cautioned that black cohosh, red clover and evening primrose have not been proven to be effective. Many women have small but noticeable declines in cognitive skills, she says, adding that just knowing this will happen can help lower women’s stress when it occurs.
Sleep loss is another common menopause effect, which many women address by taking melatonin supplements. Dr. Santoro says that the right dose is important. Women should not be timid in asking their doctor for prescription sleep aids. “In the short term it can be helpful, and [luckily] today’s medications have less potential for addiction,” says Dr. Santoro.