By Nanette Santoro
Guest Commentary, Denver Post
Dr. Nanette Santoro’s opinion piece about the Colorado Amendment 67 to the constitution on the November ballot was published by the Denver Post in its online Opinion section. Dr. Santoro explains why the so-called “Personhood Amendment” would not protect women, as is its stated goal, but would actually harm women.
“Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution protecting pregnant women and unborn children by defining “person” and “child” in the Colorado criminal code and the Colorado wrongful death act to include unborn human beings?”
— Amendment 67 on the November ballot.
We all want to protect pregnant women, right?
Wrong. Amendment 67 contains deliberately deceptive language designed to mislead Colorado voters. Its support is led by extremists who want to force the rest of us to resolve our moral dilemmas surrounding pregnant women’s choices with their one-size-fits-all answer.
Amendment 67 will not protect women — it will harm them. As an obstetrician gynecologist practicing for 34 years, it is hard to count all the ways Amendment 67 can rob adult, pregnant women from having control of their own bodies.