Dr. Santoro Talks Mysteries of Perimenopause Symptoms With The New York Times

She points to 4 core perimenopause symptoms but notes there are as many as 34


Dr. Nanette Santoro shares the “the core four” common perimenopause symptomsLogo for The New York Times, which quoted Dr. Santoro on perimenopause symptoms | CU OB-GYN | Denver, CO in this New York Times article. The four common symptoms are hot flashes, sleep disruption, depression and vaginal dryness.

Forty-seven is the average age of the beginning of perimenopause, which is the transitional period before menopause and can range from 2-10 years in individual women. The medical community’s knowledge has increased in understanding perimenopause as turbulent process.

“But the full panoply of symptoms related to perimenopause transition is not yet known with any degree of certainty,” said Dr. Santoro. “At this point, the perimenopausal period is associated with as many as 34 different maladies ranging from hair loss to ‘burning mouth syndrome,’ which is a tingling or numb feeling in your lips, gums and tongue.”

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